Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Oh frabjous day!

So this arrived in my in-box this morning:
"Agent/broker training for the Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM) is now available.

All training will occur online. ... The certification is a two-step process, with the first step now available, the training.  The second part of the process is completing the agent/broker registration, which will be available later in August. At that time, agents/brokers will be able to obtain an active FFM User ID by completing an online identity verification."
After successfully completing the process outlined above - which we are advised will take over 4 hours - we will be made privy to "the Individual and/or the SHOP Marketplace Agreements."

That is, only after investing valuable time in "training" will we be allowed to see what our own responsibilities and boundaries will be. Oh, and we'll also (eventually) receive certificates (suitable for framing!) and confirmation of our "active FFM User ID," after we've completed an  "online identity verification."

Which last, by the way, is something which apparently will not apply to Navigators.

Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

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