Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

Mid-Afternoon Info Break

First, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) has posted a webinar covering many of the key questions employers are asking about their responsibilities under the ACA. Click on over to "learn what the delay means, what you still need to do and what changes are yet to come."

If you own (or manage) a small business, then this is pretty crucial knowledge, available gratis.

Second, not really insurance-related, but very cool nonetheless. As a recent convert to the world of smart-phones, I hadn't realized just how critical they can be.

Case in point:

"Ricky Dean's memory problems are so severe he has to be told to do just about everything, from eating to brushing his teeth."

As an infant, he was starved of oxygen, and then later diagnosed as autistic. It was during testing to determine exactly what was wrong when a memory scan "revealed the full extent of his memory loss."

He has no sense of time passing, which makes cooking or drawing a bath impossible, but with the help of his friends, family and smartphone, he's leading a relatively independent life:

"Until three years ago, Ricky rarely left his family home, because he could never remember where he was going, but now relies on his iPhone"

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