Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Where Do I Send the Bill?

One of the so-called "free" benefits of Obamacare is the ability to continue "children" under your group health insurance plan.



As any actuary could have explained to Democrats had they taken the time toask, this mandate will dramatically drive up the cost of health insurance forchildren. Of course, they didn’t ask. They believed that by expanding healthcoverage to millions of uninsured people health spending, and thereforepremiums, would actually go down.
Most workers with employer-based coverage won’t see much of an increasebecause the employer providing their health insurance often covers most ofthe premium cost. Except, it turns out, for the military.
As the Wall Street Journal reports, “Families covered by Tricare, the healthprogram for active and retired members of the military, must pay as much as$200 a month to let an adult stay on their plan until age 26.”
That would be $2,400 for the first year of coverage for a family on a militarysalary. As President Obama might say, it’s arithmetic. If it’s two young adults,it’s $4,800 a year. Thank you for your service!
Forbes, "Military families get $2400 Obamacare bill"

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