Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Um, about that 3000% Premium Decrease (Redux)

As we've pointed out before (most recently here), the mythical decrease in health insurance premiums was always a fantasy, concocted by those who pushed to pass the ObamaTax (in order, of course, to find out what was in it). Now, FoIB Holly R tips us to the latest from my own neck o' the woods:
"Workers in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky will pay an average $4,775 out of their own pockets for health care in 2013, about $400 more than this year and nearly $2,000 more than 2007."

I can't help but notice that Mr Peale joins his journalistic brethren in continuing to conflate health care with health insurance. On the other hand, he at least tries to differentiate between them by noting that "payments include health care premiums through their employer, plus office co-pays and deductibles."

I give it a B-.

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