Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

The "Magic Ratio:" 4:1

It appears that the brain-trust of "Sir" Donald Berwick and HHS Secretary Shecantbeserious also lives by the motto "I was told there'd be no math:"

"In a newly released report, the Government Accountability Office ... estimates that, in fiscal year 2010, $48 billion in taxpayer money was squandered on fraudulent or improper Medicare claims ... In other words, for every $1 made by the nation’s ten largest insurers, Medicare lost nearly $4."

As Bob noted earlier, folks with actual real world experience in managing claims and risk also understand that businesses that lose money don't survive long-term, and that shutting out such experienced players significantly reduces the odds that a given business - or gummint program - is self-defeating.

These are the folks poised to determine your health care going forward; would you buy a used car from either one?

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