Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Inquiring Minds

Seems the vast right wing conspiracy is at it again. On the first anniversary of Obamacrap comes word a "high profile conservative group" is planning on suing HHS to find out the criteria for granting Obamacrap waivers.

I thought it was obvious . . . they use ping-pong balls with numbers.

According to Fox, Crossroads GPS will file suit in the next few days.

At issue is the Obama administration's criteria for granting 1,040 of the temporary health care reform waivers to businesses, labor groups and a handful of states. Those organizations are being allowed to opt out of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- at least until 2014 -- in order to let them develop systems and alternatives to meet the health care reform law's strict coverage requirements.

HHS data suggest more than 2.6 million people, or 2 percent of people with private insurance, will not be required to enter the new federal system.

Which once more begs the question, if Obamacrap is so great why are folks wanting to get out?

Seems the folks at Crossroads are not the only ones with questions.

Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch and others have complained about the lack of transparency in the waiver process.

"The Obamacare waiver program has all the same flaws as the underlying law: unfettered government power, federal bureaucrats picking winners and losers and the appearance, if not the reality, of favoritism to political cronies," said Crossroads President Steve Law. "UntilPresident Obama is willing to grant the entire country a waiver from Obamacare, his administration needs to come clean on how they decide who wins and losers in the waiver lottery."

And let's not overlook this . . .

President Obama, who famously promised as a presidential candidate to have the most transparent and open government in American history, was scheduled to receive an award for government transparency from a coalition of good-government groups last week. But at the last minute, the presentation was postponed to a future date.

Perhaps his idea of transparency meant something different.

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