Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Mass Casualties

The Massachusetts attempt at universal health coverage (AKA RomneyCare) has, at least according to some, achieved the goal with almost 100% of Mass citizens (and even non-citizens) obtaining health insurance.

But just barely 5 years into the program already they are trying to figure out how to reduce the cost of health care in an attempt to make health insurance more affordable.

Stateline reports the following.

Massachusetts spends 40 percent of its budget on health care and median-income families are expected to spend one-third of their paychecks on health care by 2016.

That's going to leave a mark.

So how do they propose to address this issue?

It’s important to move to a more cost-effective payment model, he says, but the savings won’t get passed along to consumers unless the state restrains the fees doctors and hospitals are able to negotiate. “Everyone has a big stake in making this work,” Berenson adds. “If it doesn’t, the whole thing could fall apart.”

So simple. Just pay health care providers less money.

Yeah, that will work.

Just like it is working in Wisconsin. Workers there have no problem taking one for the team since means saving taxpayer money.

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