Senin, 08 Juli 2013

We Are the Baby Daddy

The upcoming generation of "children" have learned to expect everything and be responsible for nothing. Kind of sounds like our president, doesn't it?  

Helicopter mom's, trophy's for attendance and participation, sports that don't keep score so no one feels left out have contributed to this mess.

Even adults get in on the game. 

You can stay on mommy and daddy's health insurance until your are 26. If you buy a home you can't afford just blame the bank and someone will bail you out.

Or maybe you can afford the home but are now upside down in your mortgage.

No problem.

Now we find out there is a way for two grad students living off grants and stipends have managed to have a baby and get free health insurance for their newborn. Ari Friedman and wife Tara Mendola are living large thanks to hard working taxpayers.
Both of us are graduate students living in Philadelphia, and our universities provide us with health insurance as part of our stipends. But adding a dependent to our coverage is prohibitively expensive—60 percent greater than even unsubsidized CHIP. So we applied for CHIP, grateful that it was one of the few entitlement programs still available to students.
Health Affairs

Sounds like all that education failed to impart a bit of common sense. Why should they let a little thing like "How will we pay for this?" interfere with their sexual activities.

Must be followers of Sandra Fluke.
In late May, more than a month after our son was born, we received a letter indicating that Erik was not eligible for Medicaid, as anticipated. But the rejection letter made no mention of passing the application along to CHIP. After dozens of phone calls, we learned that our documentation had been lost in the Medicaid system for a second time and had not reached Independence Blue Cross. We were told to fax the documentation to Medicaid for a third time and request reconsideration—effectively resetting the clock and beginning the entire process anew. We never learned why the application hadn’t been passed on originally, or why the only way to correct the problem was to start again.
By this point Erik was forty-four days old. Our own insurance provided partial coverage for only his first thirty days. Unwilling to go without some form of insurance, we bought catastrophic coverage for Erik for $90 per month with a $2,500 deductible and a $5,000 out-of-pocket maximum. Our expenses began to pile up: $600 from the hospital for the delivery, $500 in well-baby visits and vaccinations, and $400 for a minor surgical procedure, all of which we paid out of pocket. These were all relatively routine expenses for a healthy, full-term baby; had Erik been premature or sick in any way, the cost would have been much higher. We were lucky. Angry, discouraged, and scared, but lucky.

How much do you want to bet these folks will be guests of the president at one of his Obamacare sales pitch events?

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