Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Help Wanted

We've already noted that carriers seem to be actively avoiding the Exchanges due to go online in the next few months. Of course, that's for the individual market - the small group market must be doing gangbusters, though, right?


Turns out, maybe not:

"The California Health Benefit Exchange has put out a call for general agents ...  to recruit, train, supervise and support the retail agents that help the small employers that sign up for the state's Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) exchange plans."

But why should they?

All along, agents have been told, at least implicitly, that their services aren't necessary (cf: Navigators). Agents must undergo fairly extensive scrutiny and training, and must continually update their professional education. All of which comes at a cost, in time and in money. Of course, the folks in Sacramento understand the value of the agent in the process, and are willing to pay for the very best.

No, I didn't think you'd fall for it:

"Exchange managers want general agents to keep estimates for total costs under $3 million"

Really, and just how many groups do they think will sign up?

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