Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

Eh, what's up, Doc? I quit, that's what.

We've been noting the looming provider shortage for quite a while, driven in part by the increasing number of docs planning to retire rather than turn over control of care to a federal bureaucracy.

And that phenomenon seems to be accelerating:

"The 2013 Deloitte Survey of U.S. Physicians ... found that "Six in 10 physicians (62 percent) said it is likely many of their colleagues will retire earlier than planned in the next one to three years."

Now, just because one doc believes another one may be hanging up his (or her) stethoscope soon isn't dispositive, but it should give us pause. The very fact that this has become an issue is disturbing, and one can't help but wonder how soon it will be until we start seeing providers quitting en masse.

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