Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Walmartian Insurance

Leave it to California to be a trendsetter in Obamacare. In an effort to expand access to Obamacare, the state board is encouraging retail establishments to come on board with help centers and kiosks. The idea is to increase awareness about Obamacare and get more people covered under this (mostly) taxpayer funded plan.
To participate in "Tier 1 retail partnerships" with the Covered California exchange, a store would have to get employees trained and certified as providers of in-person assistance, according to a written presentation prepared by Thien Lam, a deputy director at the board
Life Health Pro 

Trained and certified. Doesn't say licensed as is the case for insurance agents.
Stores not willing or able to get employees certified as in-person assisters could provide Tier 2 marketing support, by helping with marketing, education and referral activities, but not with actual enrollment services, and other stores could provide Tier 3 support, by putting up posters, distributing flyers and adding messages about Covered California to store bags and cash register receipts, Lam said.

Posters and flyers. Surprised they didn't think of having folks dressed up like Uncle Sam or HHS Sebelius waving signs on street corners. 

Now isn't that special? 

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