Jumat, 09 November 2012

Piling On

Just to add a bit to Henry's newly christened NSVHS (Obamacare), we get these questions from Heritage.
What will a qualified health plan look like? What will be in the essential benefits package that insurers are required to provide? How will the employer and individual mandates to purchase insurance be implemented? The list goes on.
Heritage.org, "What the election means for Obamacare"

But then perhaps a ray of hope (and maybe even change).

Public opinion has not changed. Exit polls show that more Americans still want the law repealed in full or in part.
So much of the law has yet to be developed. As more regulatory details emerge, they will generate even more public controversy and create even more practical obstacles for implementation. 
Bipartisan opposition to the law will continue. While the House vote earlier this year pressured five Democrats to support full repeal, more significant were the various piecemeal repeal bills that gained bipartisan support. Most notable: Repeal of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), the unelected group of experts in charge of cutting future Medicare payments, passed the House and had more than 234 co-sponsors—Republicans and Democrats. 
(Note. The IPAB is one of the most onerous provisions in Obamacare. If not repealed, the government will eventually control almost every aspect of health care decisions. More precisely, it will impact diagnosis and treatment protocol for every procedure that you do not wish to pay for directly out of your own pocket).
The states can and will have their say. Two of the largest elements of the health care law—the massive Medicaid expansion and the costly subsidies scheme funneled through government exchanges—are heavily dependent on state compliance. 
Obamacare is STILL just another stupid government trick

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