Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

ObamaCare's Hinkle Wrinkle

One supposes that this could be quite humorous, if the stakes weren't so darned high:

"As critics warned [ObamaCrap] will not “bend the cost curve downward” as promised. To the contrary, a June report ... predicts that national health spending through 2021 will continue to grow at a considerably faster clip than Gross Domestic Product."

Yeah, yeah, those whingers are always carping on PresBo's greatest legislative achievement.

Wait, what?

"...To the contrary, a June report by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid..."

Hardly a bastion of right wing activism, CMMS is charged with actually implementing the bill we had to pass to learn what's in it. And they see what we've been saying for quite some time: ObamaCrap does nothing to lower the cost of health care delivery. It's basic economics hard at work: offer something for nothing, and you get a lot of takers.

And this growth is quite lopsided:

"Private health insurance spending will rise about 8 percent. Medicaid spending will grow about 20 percent. In a few years, government will account for 50 cents of every health care dollar spent in America." [emphasis added]

That last bit bears repeating: "In a few years, government will account for 50 cents of every health care dollar spent in America."

Currently, that number is about 41%. That's a 25% increase in federal health care spending in a very short time span.

And from where do these dollars come? Regular readers already know.

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