Kamis, 05 April 2012

Obamacare Smack Down

In case you have been under a rock, two weeks ago SCOTUS held 3 days of hearings the legality and constitutionality of Obamacare.

Their decision is expected this summer, possibly June or July.

Last week the President took an unprecedented swipe at the Supreme Court, in effect challenging the jurisdiction and ability of the high court to challenge or overrule any law passed by Congress.

Earlier this week a 3 judge panel from the 5th US Circuit Court specifically asked A. G. Holder to rule on the authority of the US Supreme Court with regard to their ability to judge if a law is constitutional or not.

Today A. G. Holder responded.

"We respect the decisions made by the courts since Marbury v. Madison," Holder said Wednesday, referring to the landmark 1803 case that established the precedent of judicial review. "Courts have final say."

One wonders if A. G. Holder will be sleeping on the couch tonight for disagreeing with the President.

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