Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Obama Offers Assistance on Birth Control

Chairman Obama, apparently feeling guilty about cost shifting birth control edicts, is now offering an olive branch to the big, bad health insurance companies.

The Obama administration signaled Friday it's willing to help insurance companies offset the cost of providing free birth control to women working at church-affiliated institutions like hospitals and colleges.

By finding a way to make the middlemen whole, the administration may be able to extricate itself from an unexpected political furor over birth control that has mobilized partisans across the political spectrum a half-century after the advent of the pill.

Let me see if I understand.

Obama said all health insurance carriers had to provide contraceptive medication to women without requiring them to pay a deductible or copay. In doing so, the cost of health insurance will rise for everyone, not just women. All plans will be effected, including those that cover Catholics (or any other group that has religious or moral objection to birth control).

So now Obama wants to use taxpayer dollars to reimburse health insurance carriers for the cost of providing free contraceptives to employees of religious organizations.

How will this be done?

Will carriers be required to submit a receipt? What kind of documentation will be needed? Will those asking for free birth control pills be required to present proof they work for a Catholic organization?

Why stop at reimbursing insurance carriers for this particular item, and why only for Catholics? Why not reimburse ALL health insurance carriers for the cost of this edict?

And while you are at it, how about reimbursing for the cost of all the other items under Obamacrap?

Such as:
  • Free preventive exams
  • Free immunizations
  • Unlimited lifetime and annual benefit maximums
  • Maternity covered as any other illness
  • Covering any and all pre-existing conditions on children under the age of 19
  • Cost of adding children on to parents insurance plan up to the age of 26
I see nothing unreasonable about this.

After all, it's not like he is spending his own money.

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