Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

The Lighter Side: 9 Reasons Why You Should Fire Your Broker

From FoIB Chad:

9. He named his first daughter Erisa.

8. He thinks AD&D coverage requires the participation of a Dungeon Master.

7. She took a correspondence course to be a lawyer but just missed passing the bar exam because she didn't know how to make a mojito.

6. She thinks STD isn't a problem as long as you get a penicillin shot right away.

5. He would rather wear a tinfoil fedora than purchase alien abduction insurance from Lloyd's.

4. He thinks Inland Marine insurance is what you buy for your BassTracker.

3. She recommends prize indemnity insurance just in case you don't win the Powerball next week.

2. She thinks Excess and Surplus lines is primarily for fat people.

And the number 1 reason you should fire your broker. . . .

1. He thinks Health Care Reform was about health, care or reform.

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