Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Paying More, Enjoying Less

From the land of "Duh!" comes this report from the folks at Kaiser Health News.

A survey of ages 18 - 64 with employer paid health insurance found that
  • 60% were unwilling to pay more for brand name drugs
  • 61% were not willing to opt for a higher deductible, even if it meant saving premium dollars
  • 65% would not accept a more restrictive list of docs and hospitals
Well duh!

But a surprising (to me at least) 68% said they would be willing to participate in a wellness program.

I wonder if it is like those New Year resolutions that are well intended but somehow fall by the wayside in a few weeks. Gym rats hate January and February because of overcrowding, but by March things are back to normal.

Kind of like the Easter-Christmas church goers.

The poll found two-thirds of Americans are positive about one new government action on health care: the new rule that requires insurers to cover the full cost of birth control and other preventive health services for women. Not surprisingly, support is strongest among those of child-bearing age, while seniors are split about the plan.

Well of course.

Anything that is free is good, right?

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