Jumat, 03 September 2010

Your Wyden Waffles Post

Apparently, Sen Ron Wyden (D-IHOP) agrees with us that the so-called Individual Mandate is evil. Previously, of course, he was all for it; in fact, it was a centerpiece of his own "Healthy Americans Act." But that was then, and this is now:

"Last week Mr. Wyden sent a letter to Oregon health authority director Bruce Goldberg, encouraging the state to seek a waiver from certain ObamaCare rules ... One little-known provision of the bill allows states to opt out [of the mandate] ... I believe that the heart of real health reform is affordability and not mandates..."

Last year, for example, we reported that he was not only "on board" with the mandate, but that it was integral to his proposal. This despite the fact that, as we pointed out at the time (and which has since been validated):

"[I]f one is required to buy insurance, it certainly follows that the market will be forced to offer it to them. And that, of course, sets up a whole 'nother set of issues."

Hence, ObamaCare©.

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