Rabu, 08 September 2010

Rosh HaShannah 5771: L'Shannah Tova!

Happy New Year to all of our Jewish readers. For those not of the Jewish faith, Rosh HaShannah ("Head of the Year") begins this evening; it marks the beginning of what we call the "Days of Awe," a 10 day period of introspection and, hopefully, renewal, culminating in the fast day of Yom Kippur ("Day of Atonement").

As with all Jewish holidays, this one begins at sundown the night before, hence the afternoon posting.

Factoid: Reform Jews (by far the largest denomination in the US) celebrate but one day of Rosh HaShannah, while Conservative and Orthodox (among others) observe 2 days.

It is traditional to celebrate the New Year by eating apples and honey; I would encourage those who wish to do so to share their favorite apple and/or honey dishes in the comments.

And for those interested in a slightly off-beat (in the sense of strange and new), check out these new arrangements of traditional High Holiday melodies.

May you and yours be inscribed in the Book of Life.

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