Kamis, 12 September 2013

Chickens, Roosting

Although the ObamaTax was heavily promoted by various unions, it appears that buyer's remorse is inexorably setting in:

"The AFL-CIO on Wednesday approved a resolution critical of parts of [the ObamaTax] ... The strongly worded resolution says ... will drive up the costs of union-sponsored health plans to the point that workers and employers are forced to abandon them."

Oh, methinks that ship sailed some time ago.

But not to worry, the new health insurance Exchanges will provide a safe landing for union members (and regular folks), so there's a silver lining.

Or maybe not:

"Obamacare is likely to have a "rocky" enrollment start on October 1 in some U.S. states, because of ongoing technology challenges facing new online health insurance exchanges"


According to consulting firm Leavitt Partners (a Utah-based consulting firm that "has been involved in the design and development of some state exchanges and tracks exchange progress nationwide"), "not a single state appears to be completely ready" for the roll-out, scheduled to begin in less than 3 weeks.

And remember, final security testing has been put off until (literally) the last minute, so October 1st should prove, um, interesting.

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