Jumat, 12 April 2013


Last week, Bob pointed out that Navigators can expect to rake in up to $96,000 a year "advising" people about how to game the system buy insurance through the new ObamaTax Exchanges

And this morning, Patrick delved into how the whole Navigator enterprise is being funded..

So, what's the deal?

LifeHealthPro's Allison Bell reports that there are some major bucks available enticing folks to set up their own Navigator businesses:

"[HHS Secretary Shecantbeserious] has posted a grant application aimed at individuals and organizations that want to be "navigators," or ombudsmen, for "federally facilitated exchanges" (FFEs) ... Each grant would cover a 12-month period ... In Texas, for example, CCIIO says it would like to reach 4.9 million uninsured people and has about $8.2 million in navigator funding"

And of course most of the other 58 states (those with Federally-run Exchanges) will be promised their share of the graft largesse, as well.

So how big a deal is it to get in on the ground floor? Helpfully, Madame Kathleen has made available a 41-page instruction manual to accompany the 17 page application (including the onerous-sounding "Burden Statement"). Interestingly, that Burden Statement seems to say that the whole thing should take just over an hour to complete.


The application includes 12 pages of Mandatory Documents, plus 4 more pages of Optional ones plus (as mentioned) the Burden Statement.


Still interested?

Well, we always aim to be helpful here at InsureBlog: you can download the full set here.

Just don't forget us when you're pulling in the big bucks, m'kay?

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