Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Blogroll Update

We're pleased as punch to add Jeff Root's interesting and helpful life insurance blog to our blogroll. Jeff's an independent life insurance agent, licensed in all 50 states(!), who specializes in high risk life insurance.  He works with consumers and agents alike, helping those with health issues obtain needed coverage at affordable rates.

Jeff performs thorough evaluations of a consumer's risk and submits that to underwriters with whom he's built lasting  relationships (as well as other general underwriting desks). He then screens the offers that come back and offers the best one(s). As Jeff says "it's something I wish most life insurance agents would do instead of taking shots in the dark."

Amen to that!

What makes his blog so interesting is that he shares these experiences in a consumer-friendly way. He believes that "there's a lack of helpful information for consumers with health issues on the web," and so he tries hard to fill that void. Do click through.

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