Selasa, 08 November 2011

Se Habla "Free Health Insurance"

Seems the folks in south Los Angeles are going out of their way to spend as many taxpayer dollars as possible. Volunteers wearing orange shirts explained the variety of health insurance plans available to attendees.

This part of the county has an estimated 231,000 (legal and illegal) inhabitants who do not have health insurance.

Only 70 cared enough to show up and learn about free health insurance.

Coordinators of the health fair had 150 breakfasts, 200 lunches and 300 bags of healthful groceries available to attendees. Had the event been focused on finding employment, or addressing an urgent crime issue, it probably would have attracted a larger number of people from the neighborhood, said Sonya Vasquez, policy director for Community Health Councils, which advocates for expanded coverage.

Even with free goodies they still could not generate a decent turn out.

Probably came to close to Halloween, thus the orange shirts.

Illegal immigrants, who make up more than 40% of the uninsured in South L.A, aren't covered under Obama's healthcare initiative, Vasquez said.


Apparently the reporter doesn't read InsureBlog.

Those who did attend were subject to a 2 hour PowerPoint presentation.

Yeah, how many of those zombied out after the 8th slide?

Your tax dollars at work.

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