Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Food Pyramid Update: Pass the Salt!

(Yeah, we're old school like that)

Just two months ago, we noted a study of 4,000 Continentals and their intake of salt. The surprising results?

"People who ate lots of salt were not more likely to get high blood pressure, and were less likely to die of heart disease than those with a low salt intake ... The findings "certainly do not support the current recommendation to lower salt intake in the general population."

Now, one might be tempted to discount those results as a "one-off," but one would be wrong to do so. Researchers at Exeter University took a peek at "seven published studies involving 6,489 people. Some had high blood pressure, others had normal blood pressure and they had all been put on salt-reduction diets." Their results mirrored those of the one we cited in May:

"[T]he authors found that there was no evidence that cutting down reduced deaths or heart disease in either group."

In fact (and as noted in that previous study), folks who did cut back on their salt intake were actually more likely to die prematurely than those who didn't alter their diet.

Bon appetit!

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