Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

MVNHS©: No Smoking, Christianity

Alternate title: MVNHS© Hits Bottom, Continues Digging

Long-time readers may recall that Britain's Much Vaunted National Health System© appears quite willing to appease those who practice Islam (including forbidding "health care workers from eating at their desks during Ramadan"). Christians, on the other hand, are offered no such accommodation:

"A Christian doctor in England has been threatened with an official warning from his professional body for discussing Jesus with a patient ... Richard Scott, a doctor for 28 years, is under investigation ... and faces disciplinary action after he suggested to a 24-year-old man that he might find solace in Christianity."

Oh, the humanity!

Heaven forfend that a believer in some other Abrahamic faith should share harmless advice (and one wonders what Ezra Klein would counsel in that circumstance).

The MVNHS© authorities have "written to Scott suggesting he accept an official warning." but the good doctor is having none of that. In fact, he's fighting back against what "he believes is a politically correct trend in Britain to persecute Christians for expressing their faith in the workplace."

We wish him Godspeed in his efforts.

One hopes that Dr Scott refrained from "lighting one up" or sharing a snack while dispensing spiritual advice. As FoIB Bob D alerts us, the MVNHS© is now looking to curb care for smokers and weight-enhanced individuals:

"[MVNHS©] North Yorkshire and York are preventing certain operations for the obese and smokers because they say unhealthy lifestyles lower their chance of success ... Now the government is saying that although you've paid into the system throughout your life, unfortunately you will not be receiving treatment ... you are a second-class citizen because you smoke, drink or are obese."

Now, one may argue that there are, or should be, consequences for one's lifestyle choices. But this is the very embodiment of Death Panels. Good luck with that "stiff upper lip" thing.

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