Senin, 18 April 2011

Big Blue Bites Back

What happens when the government decides to interfere with private industry in such a way as to make it more difficult for the employer to continue to operate or maintain a competitive edge?

Private industry responds.

Seems the folks in Vermont have their panties in a wad over IBM's reaction to the socialistic agenda of the state.

IBM has responded by essentially saying, if this new world order of one size fits all health care plan goes in to play they will be forced to consider relocating to another state.

Obamacrap exempts ERISA plans from many of the requirements but the folks in Vermont don't believe that is fair and want their own plan that requires everyone to play by the same rules.

If Vermont gets their way, the citizens of the cow state will all be covered under a single payer system funded by a tax on businesses.

Of course we know that businesses do not pay taxes. Rather, they simply puff up the price of their goods and pass it on to their customers.

If Big Blue is forced to ante up and fund this socialistic health care plan they will pack up and leave for a state that is not so heavy handed, taking their jobs with them.

Richard Davis, a registered nurse who apparently lacks any business acumen, has decided to retaliate with his pen by calling IBM a bully and resorting to class warfare.

According to a January CNN story, “IBM posted a fourth-quarter profit… that beat Wall Street expectations. The tech giant also pointed to an improved outlook for 2010. The Armonk, N.Y.-based company reported a profit of $4.81 billion, or $3.59 per share, which was 9% higher than what IBM reported last year.”

So what is IBM complaining about to Vermont’s politicians? They are making veiled threats about moving out of Vermont because their profitability might be hurt under the current health care reform proposal.

Apparently nurse Davis thinks IBM should just take the money they have rightfully earned and donate it to the cause.

Of course IBM won't do that. They will do what any good business person would and charge higher prices for their goods.

There is no reason for them to do that when there are 56 other states that are more friendly toward those who create jobs and drive the local economy so there is no reason for IBM to stay if Vermont insists on doing things their way.

Can't say I would blame them if they moved.

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