Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Not yet . . .

The recent Florida ruling found Obamacare is unconstitutional because the individual mandate seeks to regulate economic inactivity which is the very opposite of economic activity. And because activity is required under the Commerce Clause, Judge Vinson concludes that the individual mandate exceeds Congress’ commerce power. (page 56 of the Summary Judgement)

Now notice the Judge’s footnote on pages 55-56; Judge Vinson writes:

“The government acknowledged during oral argument in Virginia v. Sebelius that although people are required to buy health insurance under the act, they are not yet required to use it.”

“Not yet”, huh?

Why add "yet"? Why would the government say "not yet"?

It would make sense if the government thinks the time is coming (just “not yet”) when Congress will require people to actually, you know, use their insurance. Does that kind of government thinking worry you? It worries me.

Judge Vinson elaborates in the same footnote:

“But what happens if the newly insured (as a class) do not seek preventive medical care? . . . it would seem only logical under the defendants’ rationale [the government is the defendant in this action] that Congress may also regulate “economic decisions” not to go to the doctor for regular check-ups and screenings to improve health . . .”

Which of course could eventually lead to this:

I say it’s time for Congress to face up to Americans’ needs, and make health care compulsory.

Making health care compulsory would address actual need. Public funds would not be wasted on “insurance” but would be spent directly for health care. Everyone would then be healthy, happy, and handsome, and all our children would be smarter than average. Overnight, our life expectancy would be the highest in the world and infant mortality would drop to zero.

These comments were offered as irony. Sadly, it appears the government may actually intend to legislate compulsory health care – just . . . “not yet”.

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