Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Good on the MVNHS©!

It appears that the Much Vaunted National Health Service© has learned a lesson from us Colonials:

"The lives of more than 5,000 cancer sufferers will be saved each year under an £800 million [about $1.25 Billion] government drive to make England’s survival rates among the best in Europe ... Under the plans, GPs will be given the power to order a range of cancer tests direct from hospitals without having to refer the patient first to a consultant."

It's true that there are still a few plans here in the States that require such a referral, but a) they're few and far between and, b) one isn't forced to buy such plans (yet). It's also true that our cancer survival rates soar above our Cousins Across the Ponds'. On the downside, that 5,000 survivors apparently represents about one third of 1% of those who might otherwise succumb. Baby steps and all that.

In the event, about $15 million of that total will go towards encouraging folks to "see their doctor sooner if they develop symptoms." Sounds sensible.

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