Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

What's Gold Got To Do With It?

Quick: What do Kinko's, Ft Knox and Century 21 have in common?

Answer: They're all instruments of ObamaCare©.


Thomas Sowell points out that, among other silliness, ObamaCare© includes "a provision ... regulating people who sell gold." As Dr Sowell concludes, this has "nothing to do with medical care but everything to do with ... government's power over gold."

And therein lies the problem (well, not really the problem, but a major one) with the idea that we had to "pass the bill to see what's in it." Because no one (least of all the rocket surgeons who voted for it) really knows "what's in it," we keep finding things like new 1099 requirements, new taxes on certain home sales, and now increased government power over the private sale and ownership of a precious metal.

None of these things has to do with medical care (or even health insurance), but they have everything to do with increasing government control of our lives. And they come at a huge cost: increased government oversight means increased government bureaucracy, which means increased government spending, not less. Could someone please explain to me how regulating the sale and ownership of gold, or increased tax-prep paper shuffling, or new taxes on the sale of only certain homes will lower my premiums by 3000%?

I'm waiting....

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